
2020年9月から3年。 MAT METHOD® 再び

〜2020年9月から3年。 MAT METHOD® 再び 〜

仲田利津子が旅立ってから早3年が経ちました。IEECの創設者であり、『Let’s Goシリーズ』共著者、そしてMATメソッド®考案者としての彼女の英語教育への思いは、今も私たちの心に深く刻まれています。

現在 IIEEC は、仲田の長年の英語教育への情熱のもとに生まれた MATメソッド®を、次世代の子どもたちを導く英語教師に伝える準備を進めています。

〜IIEEC Teacher Training ONLINE Certificate Program Autumn 2023 〜
 児童英語教師トレーニングオンライン認定プログラム 2023年 秋

このプログラムは、過去にオックスフォード大学出版局 (OUP) の協力によって開発された *IIEEC-OUP Teacher Training Certificate Program の貴重な15時間もの動画がベースとなっています。4ヶ月の間、繰り返し動画を視聴し、動画内の熱心な受講者たちと一緒に講義を受けているような気持ちで、楽しく学びを深めていってください。

またこれまでと同様に、規定の英文レポート提出者には、本コース修了を認定する修了認定証(Certificate of Completion)をIIEECより授与します。

このプログラムは、過去15年間で2000人以上もの英語の先生方が受講した、MATメソッド®を学ぶ12のモジュールからなる認定プログラム、IIEEC-OUP Teacher Training Certificate Programのリニューアル版です。

1. 資料を参照しながら、動画を繰り返し視聴します。より深い理解を得て即レッスンで実践できるよう、ハンドアウトとサブ動画を精査しました。

2. レポート内のご意見や実践時の疑問に、専任トレーナーが直接お答えいたし、学びをより実りあるものにします。

■2020年 受講者のコメントはこちらから


それは 2020年9月、MATメソッド®考案者、そして私の最愛の母である仲田利津子がこの世を去ったのでした。

同じく2020年、15年にわたり多くの英語教師に受講され、高い評価を得てきた Oxford大学出版局との共催、”IIEEC-OUP Teacher Training Certificate Program” は、感染症の影響で春セッションは中止となり、秋セッションは過去の記録動画の編集を動画配信するという形で開催することになりました。はからずも仲田の逝去の直後となった悲しみの中の開催でしたが、15年間で初のオンライン開催にも関わらず、ほとんどの受講者に満足いただき、オンラインプログラムの大きなメリットを確認することができました。しかし、2021年以降の再開の目処が立たず、このプログラムは一時中止せざるを得ませんでした。






しかし、日々が過ぎる中で、MAT METHOD®を学びたいという問い合わせがぽつりぽつりと寄せられていました。宣伝を行っていないのに、どこからともなく訪れてくださったこの熱心な方々のために、私は2020年に好評だった動画による認定プログラムをそのまま提供することに決めました。受講者は3ヶ月間、動画を繰り返し視聴し、即レッスンで実践し、レポートを提出しました。






IIEEC 代表 黒田昌代

〜A Story of the Last Three Years〜

2020 was a significant year for everyone. That year, the world faced the global impact of an infectious disease. However, for IIEEC, it was also an incredibly sad year. In September 2020, we lost Ritsuko Nakada, the creator of the MAT Method® and my beloved mother.

In the same year, our “IIEEC-OUP Teacher Training Certificate Program”, highly rated by many English teachers over 15 years and co-hosted with Oxford University Press, had to cancel its spring session due to the pandemic. Its autumn session was conducted using previously recorded videos that had been edited. The autumn session was unexpectedly held in the midst of the grief following Nakata’s passing. Despite being the first online event in 15 years, it was well received. Most participants were satisfied, highlighting the great advantages of the online format. However, without a clear vision to resume in-person sessions in 2021 and beyond, we had to temporarily suspend the program.

It took three long years to reintroduce the MAT Method® to the world. With the method’s creator no longer with us, the role of accurately conveying this precious teaching approach came with immense responsibility and pressure. But even in the midst of the grief and anxiety, my enthusiasm grew each time I went through the vast amount of materials left behind, making me more eager to share the method with many others.

However, I often questioned myself. Maybe being a native English speaker, like my mother, a bright and cheerful personality was crucial for this method? Perhaps if one wasn’t the creator, they couldn’t teach it well? With these doubts, I lost my confidence.

During those anxious days, I had the opportunity to teach English online to elementary school students, using the MAT Method®. This experience made me realize how straightforward and core this method is for English acquisition in an EFL environment. Even though I am not a native English speaker, and have a personality quite different from my mother’s, I could teach English systematically and effectively. Moreover, I started to understand the core philosophy of English education that my mother held deeply in the MAT Method®.

Still, I didn’t have the courage to move IIEEC forward.

As time went by, we started receiving inquiries from passionate people wanting to learn the MAT METHOD®. Without any advertising on our part, they reached out. So, I decided to offer the video-based program from 2020. Pa watched the videos repeatedly over three months, applied their learnings in immediate lessons, and submitted reports.

The feedback was overwhelmingly positive. Many reported immediate improvements and expressing their happiness at being able to see Nakata herself in the videos. The lectures from the trainers were also highly appreciated. I was deeply encouraged to see the MAT Method® were accurately conveyed through these videos, carrying on my mother’s passion for English education.

While we fully respect the method and program my mother devoted her life to, we reviewed and added supplementary materials for a deeper understanding. We confirmed that the videos were appreciated by participants in their original form, but we added supplementary videos to make understanding clearer.

The MAT Method® aims for Japanese children to develop the ability to communicate freely through English within limited timeframes.

If this program helps you improve your daily lessons, produce results, and teach with confidence, it brings us tremendous joy.

We’d also like to express our deepest gratitude to the many English teachers who have learned and applied the MAT Method® in their lessons for many years.

Masayo Kuroda