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June 23rd FUKUOK Study Group Meeting Information

FUKUOKA Study Group Meeting Information

This is the announcement for our Study Group Meeting. We will have lots of New Lesson ideas and review of the Basics of the MAT METHOD.

Date:   June 23rd (Sun)
Time:  13:30 – 16:30 (Doors open at 13:15)
Place:  Shin Hikari Bldg. 3F (near Shoppers Daiei Fukuoka)
      Tenjin 4 chome 4-24 in Fukuoka city
Fee:   3000 yen
Number of people:  20 people
Deadline:  June 20th (Thu)

Seats are limited so please make reservations to confirm your seat.

Please find more information in the FUKUOKA Event Schedule.

Anyone interested in teaching children is welcome to attend the meetings, including
those who are planning to become English teachers.

We are looking forward to seeing you soon!

IIEEC Teacher Training Center